Monday, February 6, 2017

Why into Thank You

Well it has been a few days since my last post.  My goal was to blog every day, or at least every other day.  As you see, that did not happen!  Life happens and we get super busy in our household, and if we are not busy, I don't ever seem to have time to myself anymore.

Speaking of not having any time to myself these days, do you ever feel as if your children think they need more attention?  I don't know about you, but trying to divide equal time between 3 littles is difficult!  I constantly feel like I am being pulled in so many directions -

Mommya please play with me!
Mommya I need help!
Mommya I am done....AKA please come wipe me!
Mommya I want a snacky!
Mommya where's my water!
Mommya where's my bunny?

To be honest, usually by the end of the day I am spent!  When the Mr. gets home, I usually refer all questions or needs his way, and I forget that he has been working at the office all day and also needs some time to himself.  Do any of y'all stay-at-home moms do the same thing?  I just want to make sure I am not the only one!  Oh and just a side note, I am trying to get better at that!

Recently in my quiet time, {which normally happens to and from my early workout} I have been thinking about how God divides His time between us all, and how He doesn't get overwhelmed or stressed out with our many questions and needs.

God, why me?
God, why do bad things happen?
God, please help me get through this day!
Dear God, ____  {whatever it may be}

Can you imagine that?  Listening to millions of people calling out your name at the same time with different needs and questions?  As I began to meditate more on these questions, all I could do was say "Thank you God!  Thank you for a new day!  Thank you for my healthy children who can call out my name when they are in need!  Thank you for my husband's career! Thank you for loving us!  Thank you for listening when we call out with our many needs and questions!  Thank you for the trials we may go through, for we know You are with us!" 

So to wrap this blog up, I would hope that you would come on board with me and try to thank God more then complain to Him.  I also hope you will take the time to comment below on how you spread your time between multiple littles, and ways you try to thank God daily!


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