Wednesday, February 15, 2017

The NOT so super mom

That's right, I said it.  I am the NOT so super mom!

Sometimes people make comments about me being a super mom, and let me tell you, behind our doors I am FAR from that.  There are days when my kids stay in their pajamas all day.  Days that we watch way to much T.V.  Days when I don't get my devotions in.  Days where I feel as if I am neglecting my children just so I can clean the house.  Days when I need to be reminded that it is lunch time.  Days when I am in a grumpy mood, which then affects how I treat my littles.  Days when I don't get to shower {gross I know}.  Days that start with arguments, and timeouts.  Days that start with sugary cereals/pastries.  Days that I am down because I am comparing my lazy hard days, to other moms - who seem to have it all together.  You name it, we have {more then likely} had that type of day!

Let me tell you struggling momma, days like those ↑ are OK and NORMAL!  The more I talk to other women, the more I have found out that I am NOT alone!  More women out there struggle just like I do, and we need to be there for each other.  We need to be honest and share our stories more often with others, so they can be honest with themselves and share their stories with others.  So let's take off our super mom masks, embrace each day as a gift from God, and stop trying to impress others.  We are all messy people who make mistakes/sin daily!

So what should we focus on more then the bad days when we feel like the NOT so super mom?  That God has been so gracious to give us breath again!  That is something that should be rejoiced in every morning.    
                   Let me throw this in there, ↑ I am preaching to myself right now!


Monday, February 6, 2017

Why into Thank You

Well it has been a few days since my last post.  My goal was to blog every day, or at least every other day.  As you see, that did not happen!  Life happens and we get super busy in our household, and if we are not busy, I don't ever seem to have time to myself anymore.

Speaking of not having any time to myself these days, do you ever feel as if your children think they need more attention?  I don't know about you, but trying to divide equal time between 3 littles is difficult!  I constantly feel like I am being pulled in so many directions -

Mommya please play with me!
Mommya I need help!
Mommya I am done....AKA please come wipe me!
Mommya I want a snacky!
Mommya where's my water!
Mommya where's my bunny?

To be honest, usually by the end of the day I am spent!  When the Mr. gets home, I usually refer all questions or needs his way, and I forget that he has been working at the office all day and also needs some time to himself.  Do any of y'all stay-at-home moms do the same thing?  I just want to make sure I am not the only one!  Oh and just a side note, I am trying to get better at that!

Recently in my quiet time, {which normally happens to and from my early workout} I have been thinking about how God divides His time between us all, and how He doesn't get overwhelmed or stressed out with our many questions and needs.

God, why me?
God, why do bad things happen?
God, please help me get through this day!
Dear God, ____  {whatever it may be}

Can you imagine that?  Listening to millions of people calling out your name at the same time with different needs and questions?  As I began to meditate more on these questions, all I could do was say "Thank you God!  Thank you for a new day!  Thank you for my healthy children who can call out my name when they are in need!  Thank you for my husband's career! Thank you for loving us!  Thank you for listening when we call out with our many needs and questions!  Thank you for the trials we may go through, for we know You are with us!" 

So to wrap this blog up, I would hope that you would come on board with me and try to thank God more then complain to Him.  I also hope you will take the time to comment below on how you spread your time between multiple littles, and ways you try to thank God daily!


Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Puzzled Life

Hey y'all!

I have decided to just dive right into my thoughts, instead of easing into this whole blog idea.  You are welcome!

My Briggs has recently gotten into doing puzzles.  I feel like there are 4 stages, well 5, while he builds.  First is the "I got this" Stage.  Second is the "this is the fourth piece I have tried and it still doesn't fit" Stage.  Third is the "angry" Stage.  Fourth is the "I did it" Stage.  And the fifth {not pictured} is the "I destroyed it" Stage.

Have you ever just sat back and watched your life come together as a puzzle does?  Only to have it not come together as you would like and then have it fall completely apart?  Have you ever sat back and watched this happen to another person?  Maybe a spouse or family member you love, a friend you care for deeply?  Have you ever watched a toddler try to put a 10 piece puzzle together {see above}?  My last question for you would be, have you ever put together a 100/1000/10000 piece puzzle in a large group?

You may be wondering why I even decided to ask all these questions, and that's great, because I am going to answer them for you!

I know for a fact that I have watched my puzzle pieces come together and fall apart, and it was/is by the grace of God that I was able to get back on my feet and watch the pieces, although not always fitting together easily, begin to come together again.  The truth is, I {nor you} have never seen the full puzzle put together and I am ok with that.  Why?  Because I never will, until I am face-to-face with Jesus.  When that tims comes, I cannot wait to look back and fully watch my puzzle be completed from beginning to end. And instead of asking Him why certain things happened in my life, to sit with Him and thank Him for all that He did in my life.

I have also sat in the background while watching a family be torn apart because of poor life decisions.  This family's puzzle has been a rough one, maybe like a 1,000 piece.  But through all the frustrations of pieces not fitting as they should or as we would like them to, one side continues to believe that God has a plan to put all the pieces together as they should be.  For both sides that is.  One half is left with consequences and one with blessings. 

And no, thankfully I have not tried to put a large puzzle together with multiple people because it just sounds stressful and not very enjoyable!  So I would just avoid that situation at all costs!
-You may be reading this thinking that my thoughts are all over the place or don't make a whole lot of sense, and that's ok.  Because in my head they sound good :) -

Puzzles are all different.  Some are more difficult, some are very easy, and some are just plain simple.  All puzzles come with different forms of frustration, depending on your age of course.  Puzzles could be similar to life situations, good and bad.  What truly matters is how we attempt to put these pieces together.  Will we sit back and follow the pieces God has for our lives, knowing it won't always be easy, or will we attempt to put our own pieces together to try and live that perfect puzzled life?


More about The Hermons

Hello Friends! 

As I was sitting wondering about a hobby I could start up, blogging came to my mind.  Now I will be honest, when it came across my mind I instantly started to think of reasons of why I should not blog.  Well, here I am.  I over came my fear of not making sense, punctuation not being correct, offending others, others judging the way we do life, not having it all together, and many more.  You see, during this time of reasoning I was reminded/convicted that others have the same problem.  We are all not perfect, although some may think they are, and if you are one of those people please let me burst your perfect bubble and tell you that you are not.  Long story short I decided that maybe, just maybe, my stories can help you feel like you are not alone in this life!

To get started, although I feel as if I already did, let me tell you a little more about us - The Hermons.

Troy and I happen to be one of the many who were blessed to meet online.  I smiled at him first, and the rest is history.  Within 5 years of marriage we have moved 3 times {one move took us out of state}, bought our first house, and have had 3 boys.  So, to say the least we have been busy!  I would not change a thing...well maybe I would and that would be more land to live on, but that's something we can plan for in the future. 

If I had to describe each person in our family with few words, it would look like this.

Troy -
Godly man.  Head of the household.  Life partner.  Great Daddya.  GGMU.

Jax -
Our first born.  Sensitive, caring, and cautious.

Briggs -
Our second.  Funny, snuggler, and free spirited.

Easton -
Our third, possibly our last - yet to be determined.  Mover, sweet, and spitter.  

Me -
Soon to be 30.  Stay at home mommya.  Runner.  Coffee addict. 
                                ^Those all seem pretty important, right?^

Well, through this blog I hope to connect, and relate to y'all.  Most importantly, I pray that I can help at least one reader out there through my stories.  Sometimes it is hard to relate when we don't open I guess I could say, this is me opening up trying to help others know they are not alone!
